Killing Me Softly
When Myrna's second book, A Long Way From Home: The Story of the Sixties Generation in Canada was published in 1980, it received abuse or studied indifference in some quarters. In a paper, "Killing Me Softly," prepared for a conference in 2008, she wrote of her publishing experience and reflections at the time.
Ancestors and Elders: Ukrainian-Canadian Settlers, the First Nations and the Myth of 'Free Land'
In October 2018, at "An Evening with Myrna Kostash," Myrna presented a talk to the Melbourne members of the Association of Ukrainians of Victoria (Aus), "Ancestors and Elders: Ukrainian-Canadian Settlers, the First Nations and the Myth of 'Free Land.'"
Sage Hill Keynote Lecture
Every year at the Sage Hill Writing Experience, Lumsden SK, a faculty member is invited to give a Keynote Lecture on a topic of her or his choice. It was my turn in 1998.
Kyiv Konnection
The Ukrainian Foundation for College Education in Edmonton hosts an annual fund-raiser, the Kyiv Konnection, with a guest speaker. I spoke in 2006.
Moose Jaw Festival of Words
After Myrna published Reading the River in 2005, she was invited to present at the Moose Jay Festival of Words in 2006.
Icon Symposium
In 2003 I was invited to speak at a symposium, "Icons and Image," at St Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewa, Saskatoon.
Grainau 2005
The annual conference of Canadianists in Grainau, Germany, is one of the largest and most important of its kind. I was invited to address the conference on the basis of my most recent book, The Next Canada: In Search of the Future Nation (2000)
The Reluctant Historian
I was invited to give this talk given to the Central Alberta Historical Association, Red Deer, Alberta, Feb 16/2011 because of my work on anthologizing history of the Canadian West
The Challenge We Call Canada
I joined a symposium at Queen's University in Kingston, ON in 2004 to present my conclusions about "the next Canada".
Looking Back on Twenty-Five Years
As part of the 25TH Anniversary of the Alberta Council of Ukrainian Arts in 2011, I was invited to reflect on the past 25 years of my own work
Meaningful Marginalities
In 2006 I was invited to present a paper at the University of Alberta at a symposium hosted by David Gay, Department of English and Film Studies. The presentation was later published in Locating the Past/Discovering the Present: Perspectives on Religion, Culture and Marginality, eds. David Gay & Stephen R. Reimer, University of Alberta Press, 2010